BOO!!! Happy Halloween!! How is everyone celebrating tonight? Or are you Halloweened out after a whole weekend in costume? It’s so funny how Halloween has changed over the years. When you’re a kid it’s all about trick or treating and filling a pillowcase with as much candy as you can get your hands on. In […]
Ok, I am starting to think there is a serious connection between wedding Wednesday and rain. I seem to be writing these weekly while staying dry and cozy inside. I’m about to re-name these posts Wet Wedding Wednesday! We have two fall weddings this weekend so our studio is filled with moody colors, fall leaves […]
Ummm hello fall! Hope everyone is staying warm and cozy and no one has washed away in all this rain! To keep the rainy day blues at bay I’m here to share with you a bright and colorful spring wedding to lift your spirits and remind you what the sun looks like! We immediately fell […]
Happy rainy Wednesday! I personally am obsessed with all this rain and the gorgeous greenery that comes with it! As I write this post, the sun is out but it’s also pouring and my lawn is SO green! This is just about the most perfection writing scenario I could ever imagine. You know what else […]
Is it just me or is anyone else having a hard time getting into that fall feeling? It might be because it’s still a million degrees and humid as can be here in Dallas, but I’m just not in the mood to pumpkin out my house quite yet! That being said, I am super ready […]