MyMemories digital scrapbook

My friends at MyMemories have been SO generous to give me…. AND one lucky RLove fan a free subscription to MyMemories digital scrapbook.  I am having fun playing with the online scrapbook, and wish I had more time to explore everything the digital scrapbook has to offer.  I know there are some super scrapbookers out there who would love to get their hands on this little beauty.  BUT I only have ONE free subscription to give away! ( have no fear, there will be plenty of discounts for the rest of you who wish to purchase the digital scrapbook)

I will open the contest for a whole two weeks( large in part to my busy busy schedule…and the busy busy lives of you all)  Please visit my RLove Designs facebook page and comment on WHY I should pick you as the WINNER!!  Be creative as possible, post pics, videos, love letters, etc 🙂

                               Here is a fun little page I made of my fave couple 🙂 

Can’t wait to here from all of my LOVES!!! 
Check MyMemories out: